Case history 2

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome"

August  11, 2021

A 50 yr old female patient presented to opd with chief complains of facial puffiness, intermittent fever, low urine output and irregular menstrual cycle. 

History of present illness:

-Patient was admitted in the hospital with above mentioned complaints on 3rd july 2021.

-There she was diagnosed with ovarian cyst. She was recommended to undergo hysterectomy. 

-During the surgery, she was diagnosed with kidney disease. 

-Patient was admitted in another hospital on 12th july 2021 and she was diagnosed with AKI pulmonary odema and open hysterectomy is done. 

-On 30th of July she was referred to kamineni. 

Past history:

-Patient suffered from TB 20 yrs back and then she used the prescribed medication for 6 months, and the TB is treated completely. 

-She has a history of one blood transfusion. 

-No history of Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, asthma and epilepsy. 

Personal history:

-Patient takes a mixed diet. 

-Normal appetite. 

-Altered sleep. 

-Irregular bowel and bladder movements. 

-No addictions. 

Family history:

No history in the family is significant. 

Treatment history:

 No allergy to drugs. 

General examination:

-Patient was coherent, conscious , cooperative and well oriented to the environment. 

-No pallor. 

-No icterus. 

-No clubbing. 

-No generalized Lympadenopathy. 

-No cyanosis. 

-Bilateral pedal oedema which is of pitting type. 


Temperature : 101°F.

Pulse rate : 80bpm.

Blood pressure : 120/80mm of hg. 

Spo2 : 98%.

Systemic examination:

Cardiovascular system-


Chest wall is bilateral symmetry

No visible pulsations, no scars, engorged veins. 


JVP is normal


S1, S2 heard. 

Respiratory system:

Bilateral airway. 

Trachea is in midline. 

No added sounds. 

Per abdomen:

Abdomen is soft and tender. 

Bowel sounds heard. 

No palpable mass or free fluid. 

Central nervous system:

Patient is normal. 

Reflexes are normal. 

Speech is normal. 


Pedal edema:







    Serum creatine:

    on 30-07-2021



  ON 1-08-2021


 ON 2-08-2021




Blood urea:


Serum electrolytes:


Final Diagnosis:

Chronic Kidney disease


Tab lasix 40mg PO/BD

Tab orofer XT PO/BD.


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